The Ephemeral City: Looking at Temporary Landscapes of Religion in South Asia and Latin America

Led by Rahul Mehrotra, Graduate School of Design
Curated by Felipe Vera, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile and Jose Mayoral, Graduate School of Design in collaboration with Patrick Herron, Graduate School of Design

The Research Project on the Ephemeral City, led by professor Rahul Mehrotra, has been engaged in documenting and systematically compiling different forms of temporary urbanism worldwide, particularly in South Asia and Latin America. This exhibition focused primarily on religion, one of the seven taxonomies identified for the ephemeral city. It presented ten cases of temporary occupation of urban spaces for religious events and celebration that demonstrate powerful ways in which the public realm is temporarily appropriated to create sacred spaces. In religious ephemeral landscapes, human ingenuity breaches the boundaries between the local and the global, the historic and the contemporary, converting permanent cities and landscapes into sacred grounds.

This exhibition was presented by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and the South Asia Institute (SAI) and  was made possible in part by generous support from the Brillembourg and Brodsky Endowment Funds at DRCLAS and the Donald T. Regan Lecture Fund support for the SAI Arts Initiative, with the support of The Latin GSD and the IndiaGSD.