
    América Solidaria

    América Solidaria aims to be a link between international organizations in developed countries and Latin American countries with lower rates of quality of life. The main objective of this organization is to promote a common instance of regional and multilateral aid to support actions and initiatives between the different countries of the continent. They aim to accomplish this through the volunteer work of young professionals with a sense of social awareness that work to promote social integration and solidarity in the country they have been placed.

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    Aptus Chile

    Aptus Chile is a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the quality of education in underprivileged schools. Its mission is to transfer efficient management & pedagogical methodologies and products with the purpose of generating better learning in students.

    For more information, please visit their website

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    America Solidaria

    America Solidaria is an international non-profit organization with an extensive network throughout the Americas targeting underserved and disadvantaged communities. Founded in Santiago, Chile in 2002 to promote professional volunteer engagement in the Western Hemisphere, America Solidaria has developed more than 330 projects involving 550 professional volunteers at 87 non-profit organizations in 13 countries.

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    ASSET Administradora General de Fondos is an entity regulated by the Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile, with a vast track record managing capital for institutional and private investors, both local and foreign, since 2011.

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    The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) -the Spanish acronym is CEPAL- was established by Economic and Social Council resolution 106(VI) of 25 February 1948 and began to function that same year. The scope of the Commission's work was later broadened to include the countries of the Caribbean, and by resolution 1984/67 of 27 July 1984, the Economic Council decided to change its name to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); the Spanish...

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    CIEPLAN es un centro de estudios de reconocida influencia en la discusión y generación de conocimiento económico y en el diseño de políticas públicas en Chile y América Latina. Funciona como una organización privada sin fines de lucro con expertos del más alto nivel y una red de investigadores a nivel nacional e internacional.

    Sus áreas de investigación se organizan principalmente en torno al...

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    Comisión Nacional de Productividad

    The CNP's mission is to advise the President of the Republic in all matters aimed at increasing long-term economic growth and the well-being of citizens through the generation of productivity gains. The National Productivity Commission is a consultative institution, independent, autonomous and with a permanent challenge: to increase productivity to improve people's lives and well-being. Read more about Comisión Nacional de Productividad


    COMPASS Group started operations in New York in 1995. Shortly thereafter, we launched our expansion, opening offices in Latin America. We have more than 20 years of experience in the investment industry and more than 300 professionals. We currently manage, advise and distribute over US$40 billions (data of December 2019.) We hold strategic alliances with renowned international asset managers that enable us to cover each region and sector of investment with best in class product offering.

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    The National Health Fund is the public body in charge of granting protection and health coverage to its contributors and to all those who lack resources, together with their respective charges. 
    Its main functions are: to collect, manage and distribute the financial resources of the health sector, to finance the health benefits granted to its users, to characterize the people benefited by Fonasa, to manage the health contributions and the resources...

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    Fundación Amulen


    En Amulén buscamos el desarrollo de comunidades vulnerables por medio del acceso al agua, mejorando su calidad de vida desde el acceso, uso, manejo y reuso a este recurso básico. Tenemos un modelo de desarrollo de proyectos sustentable en el tiempo, que genera un alto impacto social y que busca mejorar cada día.


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    Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente

    Ciudadanía Inteligente an inclusive, feminist organization that fights for social justice and the transformation of democracies in Latin America. With 10 years of experience in 14 countries, we research about the obstacles that impede citizen empowerment and apply our findings creating technological tools that keep authorities accountable, bring communities closer to their governments, fight against corruption, strengthen the work of activists, and boost impact in public policies.


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    Fundación Democracia y Desarrollo

    Fundación Democracia y Desarrollo started its activities in August 2006, after the end of President Lagos’s term. From its origins, the Foundation has specialized in civic engagement projects that extensively utilize digital technologies. Roads that will allow our societies to move towards a sustainable economic growth with greater levels of social equality.

    With the purpose of exploring alternatives for new roads for development, FDD has specialized in civic engagement...

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    Fundación Mar Adentro

    Fundación Mar Adentro develop initiatives in art, education, and nature that encourage a change with respect to the value that is placed upon our natural and cultural heritage. Our strengths are in collaborative work and content generation.

    We believe in collaborative work between public and private organizations and develop our projects with multidisciplinary teams, enriching our work with different viewpoints, to contribute in areas that are not being primarily addressed...

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    Fundación Nuestros Hijos

    Fundación Nuestros Hijos es una institución consolidada que fue creada en 1991, con el objetivo de asistir a niños oncológicos que ven amenazada sus vidas por el cáncer y están en desventaja debido a el nivel socioeconómico al que pertenecen.

    Fundación Nuestros Hijos nace por la iniciativa de un grupo de padres que vivieron la experiencia de tener o perder un hijo enfermo de cáncer. Los Fundadores buscaron replicar el modelo de asistencia que recibieron en el Hospital St...

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    Hogar Domingo Savio

    Founded more than 35 years ago by Olga Diaz as the Hogar Domingo Savio, Mi Club Domingo Savio began as a residential orphanage for a small number of Chilean youth.  The goal of the hogar was to create a family-style atmosphere for its children, as opposed to the huge state-run orphanages.  This goal is inherent in Hogar Domingo Savio’s name, as the word “hogar” means home in Spanish.  Steve spent two years living and working in the hogar, and his experiences during these two years serve as the premise for Santiago’s Children.

    In 2003...

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    Ministerio de Economia

    La Misión del Ministerio de Economía es promover la modernización y competitividad de la estructura productiva del país, la iniciativa privada y la acción eficiente de los mercados, el desarrollo de la innovación y la consolidación de la inserción internacional de la economía del país a fin de lograr un crecimiento sostenido, sustentable y con equidad, mediante la formulación de políticas, programas e instrumentos que faciliten la actividad de las unidades productivas del país y sus organizaciones...

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    Ministerio de Educación

    El Ministerio de Educación de Chile es el órgano rector del Estado encargado de fomentar el desarrollo de la educación en todos sus niveles, a través de una educación humanista democrática, de excelencia y abierta al mundo en todos los niveles de enseñanza; estimular la investigación científica y tecnológica y la creación artística, y la protección e incremento del patrimonio cultural de la Nación. Del mismo modo, esta institución es la llamada a velar por los derechos de...

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    Ministerio de Hacienda

    Misión: Gestionar eficientemente los recursos públicos a través de un Estado moderno al Servicio de la ciudadanía; generando condiciones de estabilidad, transparencia y competitividad en una economía integrada internacionalmente que promuevan un crecimiento sustentable e inclusivo.
